How to perform asanas for beginners: preparing inventory

The main thing in yoga is not the depth of performing asanas, but their correct detuning (yes, we are boring, but this is really important). It can be difficult for a beginner to reach the floor with their palms in a bent position or to perform Trikonasana (triangle pose) without twisting the body. Stretching through force is definitely not worth it, but using auxiliary tools would be appropriate.

What equipment to prepare for the lesson:

Mat. The main thing is that it is non-slip and has good grip on the floor. Otherwise, the practitioner will not think about how to stretch his back well in Adho Mukha Shvanasana, but try to stay in one place and not leave with the carpet in the next room. The thickness of the mat is selected based on the anatomical features of a person: for example, someone has very sensitive knees, and then a mat with a thickness of 5 mm and a soft texture will do;

Belt. The main characteristic is strength. As a rule, these are woven belts with an iron retainer. A belt is used to simplify some asanas where it is necessary to perform a grip – Janu Shirshasana (tilt of the head to the knee), Parivritta Janu Shirshasana (inverted tilt of the head to the knee), Natarajasana (pose of the king of dance). In some cases, the belt is used for pain in the knees – for example, in Baddha Konasana (butterfly pose) it is folded and placed in the fold between the thigh and lower leg;

Blocks. They are also different: wooden, cork, EVA-material or foam. The former are the most rigid, the latter, on the contrary, are soft. But cork bricks are the middle option from those proposed. It is best to touch each of them, “try on” and make your choice;

What is a yoga brick for?

The block can be used to both simplify and complicate the pose. For example, in Paschimottanasana, it can be placed under the buttocks if the slope is shallow, or placed behind the feet and gripped if you want to bend deeper. A brick is often placed under the palm to align the position of the body in such asanas as Utthita Trikonasana (triangle pose), Ardha Chandrasana (half moon pose), Ardha Uttanasana (half tilt to the legs).

There are a lot of situations where blocks are used. They help to master complex asanas – Hanumanasana (transverse twine), Pincha Mayurasana (peacock tail pose), Lolasana (earring pose).

If you do not have blocks, you can use improvised materials: for example, thick books.