Yoga exercises for beginners

Yoga for beginners offers many exercises that have a fairly simple technique. Read about it here: Consider a few of these asanas:

Tadasana – mountain pose.
Bring your feet together, straighten your back, and straighten your shoulders. Don’t put your body weight either on your toes or on your heels. Spread it evenly on all your feet. Keep your head straight. Put your hands down along the sides or fold in front of your chest in the prayer mudra. Do six breathing cycles. Tadasana can be done a little differently: inhale and simultaneously raise your hands above your head, leading them over the sides. Bring your fingers together and stretch your spine upward. With an exhalation, bring your hands down. Practice your ability to keep your balance by first closing your eyes and then doing a series of inhalations and exhalations while in mountain pose. This asana serves as the basis for all other standing postures. Tadasana tones, aligns the back, improves joint flexibility, and develops balance.

Vrikshasana – tree pose.
First, stand in Tadasana. Then take your left foot off the floor and press it with the sole against the inner side of the right thigh. Fingers facing down, heel close to the groin. Take a breath and bring your hands together above your head. As you lift your arms, lead them across your sides. Perform 6 cycles of breathing. Switch the supporting leg and repeat the action. Exercise is used to align the spine, train the vestibular apparatus, strengthen muscles of the legs, back and abs.

Uttanasana – Bend toward the feet.
Start again with Tadasana. Then with an exhalation, lift your arms up and bend forward. Bend as if you were folding at the hip joints. Point your stomach toward your hips and your forehead toward your shins. Do not bend your knees. Put your palms on the floor, either on the sides of the feet, or behind the feet. This asana stretches the entire posterior surface of the body well. It improves the spine, develops flexibility of the back and legs, tones the internal organs of the abdomen, and calms the nervous system.

Pashchimottanasana – bending over to the feet while sitting.
Sit on your buttocks, stretch your legs forward. Raise your arms up, leading them through the sides, bend down to your feet and try to put your hands around your feet. Keep your back straight while bending. Bend as you exhale. With this exercise, you can improve digestive function, strengthen your legs, and straighten your spine.

Adho Mukha Shvanasana – downward-facing dog pose.
Spread your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees and put your palms on the floor in front of your feet. Step your feet back, turning your heels slightly to the sides. Lower your head. Pull your coccyx upward. Asana improves blood flow to the brain, aids digestion, strengthens the legs, forms beautiful calves, and aligns the back.

Bhujangasana – cobra pose.
Lie down on the mat with your belly down. Arms are bent, palms under the shoulders. Breathe in and lift your body. Try to straighten your elbows fully. This pose strengthens the arms, back, and buttocks, and has a beneficial effect on the kidneys.

At the end of the class, lie in corpse pose (Shavasana) for 15 minutes. Yoga does not seem to contain a simpler pose than Shavasana. However, beginners quickly learn that this is not the case. It can be difficult to completely disconnect from the outside world when one is not used to it. It’s even harder to free your mind from anxious thoughts. However, as you practice it, you’ll get better and better. Don’t save time on Shavasana: it’s best if the exercise takes 15-20 minutes.