Why do children become inattentive

Parents often confuse the concepts of inattention and laziness and https://argoprep.com/blog/habits-of-mind-and-how-to-apply-them-in-the-classroom/. But laziness is, first of all, boredom. And inattention is a more complex problem.

It arises due to such factors:
Lack of motivation. Progressive pedagogical methods (for example, Montessori) promote the idea of ​​teaching children through play. This component increases interest in the learning process, helps to quickly and easily learn the material. For children aged 5-7 years, interest in any kind of activity determines the final result. Therefore, if you want to focus the child’s attention on some activity, increase his motivation by activating interest. There are other ways – praise, encouragement in the form of sweets, small gifts, entertainment.

Soreness. Somatic diseases directly affect the psyche: after an illness, the child is exhausted, gets tired quickly, and absolutely all the cognitive functions of the brain are reduced: memory, attention, thinking. It is difficult to demand over-concentration from a frequently ill child: at school he will be inattentive, he will move out in school, and there will be no strength left for circles at all. It is better to ease the load for a while and give the opportunity to fully recover for https://argoprep.com/blog/educators/fake-news-examples-for-students-and-how-to-find-the-facts/.

Specificity of the nervous system. There is an inert type of nervous system in which a person quickly loses interest in any type of activity, it is difficult to captivate him, to keep his attention for a long time. You can increase intellectual lability by systematizing tasks, a clear schedule and changing the format of classes towards a more comfortable one.

Overload. Mental (emotional) and physical stress can lead to attention disorder. A child who is too busy will not be able to cope equally well with different tasks and, in principle, exist for a long time in time pressure. Reduce the load on school subjects, if possible. Cancel some of the circles. Protect your child from emotional swings. It is also important to monitor normal nutrition and sleep.