What a future first-grader needs to know and shsat handbook be able to do

There are no formal requirements for admission to primary school – everything will be taught right there. But there are also tacit competences. Let’s figure out what is expected of a young schoolboy.

Under the Law of the Russian Federation “On education” admission to the first class of state and municipal general education institutions is prohibited on a competitive basis. Any child of 6.5-8 years of age has the right to be enrolled in school. However, some things should be taught to the child before school – this will make it easier to adapt to the new educational rhythm. First grade – what should a child be able to do?

What a future first-grader needs to know and shsat handbook be able to do

Knowledge of the family.

Your child should easily navigate through the information about close relatives and their data. Full name, age, date of birth, who Mom and Dad work, how old are siblings. It is good if the child knows the phone number of one of the parents and the home address. Shsat handbook.

Knowledge of the world around him.

It is believed that by the first class kid knows natural phenomena – snow, hail, lightning. The child should distinguish colors, plants and animals. To check the knowledge of a preschooler, offer him to name a few species of trees or migratory birds that he knows. For clarity, purchase a children’s encyclopedia, review the illustrations together and discuss the paragraphs.

Knowledge of time and space

Make sure the child orients himself to the hourly schedule. Does he know how to tell the time using a regular clock with hands? Can he list the days of the week and the seasons without a hitch? Another important skill is to distinguish between “right” and “left”.

The knowledge of safety rules

It is assumed that the baby is familiar with the basic rules of behavior on the street – in what places and on what color traffic light to cross the road, how to act if the traffic light is not visible, whether it is possible to leave with an unknown person without the knowledge of parents.

Mathematics knowledge

An important category of what a child should be able to do before the first grade is that math often poses problems. It’s good if the child counts to 100 and knows how to perform elementary addition and subtraction operations within the first ten. It is expected that he is familiar with the basic geometrical concepts – a parallelepiped is hardly necessary, but the circle, rectangle, square – quite. Teach your child to find patterns to train the logic – there will be excellent exercises with pictures like “Find 10 Differences”.

Reading and Russian language skills.

What a future first-grader needs to know and shsat handbook be able to do

The future first-grader is advised to know the alphabet. Although it is not officially required to be able to read, it is sure to be asked at the interview. Children who have learned to read before school are easier to adapt – as a rule, their performance is higher than that of children who read by syllables in primary school. You don’t have to force your child to munch on books, but you can try to force them to read independently.

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Sync and corrections by
There are no official requirements for a child to know first grade. In order to successfully study at the Foxford Elementary Online School, a child must have basic skills of reading, writing, oral calculation. Entrance testing in the first grade of our school is not provided. But the family is offered a small test to check the child’s readiness for school.

Pay attention to general and basic developmental skills. Ask your child questions based on the points in our article. Pay attention to questions that have caused difficulties for your child. For example, go to a museum to learn more about predatory animals, or consider traffic rules for pedestrians in practice so that the child knows exactly how to cross the road correctly. As for reading, psychologists recommend that you give your child an example – read more on your own. If the child sees that the parents take the book in their spare time, he unwittingly copies the behavior.

Do not worry, if the future first-grader does not know something. It is not so terrible, the main thing – the desire to learn. Online gre course by level of training.