Ways to get kids interested in math

When you pay a monthly utility bill, buy clothes or groceries, measure a distance, or find out the time, you use math including addition. The following article provides tips on how to get children interested in the exciting world of math and thereby prepare them for adulthood.

Be a role model for your child

According to surveys, many adults hated math in school. If you were among them, try not to “infect” your child with your negative emotions. Help him improve his atti

tude toward math by demonstrating confidence in routine parenting tasks such as counting the family’s budget, allocating finances, and paying bills. You should also remember to periodically emphasize the great importance of mathematical knowledge in a variety of careers, such as architecture, medicine, fashion design, restaurant business, and computer programming.

Help your child use math every day

Encourage your child to do tasks about adding with pictures that require math knowledge at after hours. At the grocery store, ask him to calculate the cost of four pounds of apples. In the car, ask how long it will take to drive from home to your destination at a certain speed. At the toy store, ask your child to calculate the cost of a toy, including a discount, and how long it will take him or her to save enough money (based on his or her weekly pocket money) to buy that toy.

Familiarize yourself with the content of the math curriculum

It’s important for parents to know what math skills their child needs to learn in a particular grade. You can access the curriculum for your child’s class through the website of your local board of education, or ask your child’s teacher to tell you about the standards of instruction. When you know what your child will be learning, it will be easier for you to develop the necessary skills at home.

Check your child’s math homework

Consider whether your child’s math homework only involves mechanical repetition of material learned in school or whether the teacher includes creative assignments to test your students’ understanding of math principles. Ask the teacher what techniques he or she uses to help children become more confident in solving math problems.

Pay attention to details and all sorts of details

Try to motivate your child to put their best effort into solving math problems and check for correct calculations and answers. Try to eliminate distractions and set the same time for daily homework.

Play games that require math skills

There are many math-requiring games you can play with your child. Beginning at elementary school age, students can learn math by playing chess, dominoes, checkers, dice, and backgammon, as well as doing all kinds of hands-on activities that involve play.

Read books that include information about math

More and more schools are beginning to integrate different subject areas into the curriculum so that students can find clearer connections between subjects. But how do you incorporate math into a history or English class? One such way is to read books in which the main characters solve problems using math or logic. Books in the “Amusing Math” series will also work.


Outside of school, we naturally encourage children to read, write, and develop speech, but math skills are often only given 45 minutes a day in math class. Like everything else, a child’s math skills and confidence in working with math concepts can only improve with daily practice, support, and encouragement.