Taking into account the individual learning style of students in teaching foreign languages based on a competent approach

Evaluation of the efficiency and effectiveness of the use of the developed training model

The problem of effectiveness and efficiency of the model of adult education deserves a close look at scientists. It is legitimate to define the considered efficiency and effectiveness as an ability realized in practice, a potential possibility of a concrete model of adult education with an optimal saving of time and forces of teachers and trainees to ensure the achievement of learning outcomes adequate to the initially set goals of a particular stage.

Taking into account a wide range of educational needs and requirements of adults, as well as the high relevance of the “human development” role of education, the scientists of the EI RAO offer an assumption of interpretation of the effectiveness of the model of adult education in a narrow and broad sense of this concept. In the first case, the researchers consider effective and efficient that model of learning, which at optimal saving of time and forces of the main participants of the learning process provides the achievement of a purely learning result, and in the framework of the competence approach:

the formation and development of adult learners’ set of competencies that are the basis of communicative competence, initially provided by the learning objectives. In the second case, it is implied that an effective model can be recognized as one which, with optimal saving of time and effort of the main participants of the learning process, through the provision of a purely learning result in the above interpretation contributes to the overall development of the learner’s personality.

Models of learning, the effectiveness and efficiency of which is evaluated on the basis of a purely learning result, can be qualified accordingly on the basis of indicators known in traditional didactics, which include: the formation of the learner’s program knowledge (special-professional, socio-cultural, etc.), which meet the basic parameters of their full assimilation by adult students, adjusted knowledge (special-professional, socio-cultural, etc.), multi-level formation of a set of communicative skills.


In order to be considered effective and efficient in promoting the overall development of the learner’s personality, the Learning Styles Series model should contribute to: the maintenance of an active state, the development of mental cognitive processes of learners (at least to prevent their suppression, “fading” in the learning process) in strict accordance with the psychophysical abilities of adults belonging to a specific age category.

As practice shows, in the field of professional education of adults, the interpretation of the effectiveness and efficiency of the model of learning by the criterion of achieving a purely educational result, in our case, the formation and development of students’ set of communicative competencies. However, in the framework of our dissertation research we have made an attempt to synthesize both variants of the model, including both factors contributing to the achievement of positive (high) learning results (adaptive educational technologies aimed at the development of basic competencies and contributing to the formation and development of communicative foreign-language competence) and factors that take into account psychophysical and social components, which are conditions for the success of adult learning.

The effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed model of adult learning, taking into account the individual learning styles of adults demonstrate the results of the post-experimental slice conducted after the implementation of the formative experiment, which proved that, in general, all students of the experimental groups involved in experiential learning, showed fairly high results by all criteria. That is, we can state that5 the main components of communicative competence were formed in the EG students.

Average results of the post-experimental section in EG groups can be seen in the table below.

Let’s analyze the obtained data in the order in which the proposed recommendations on the use of adaptive technologies in learning are described.

Thus, the results of the table show that the average indicator on the criterion of “logicality of the statement” among the theorists, thinkers, audiologists (for example, SV Arkhipova, Ya.N. Budagaeva, G.J. Gonchikdorzhieva, etc.) is + 2 points respectively, which confirms that the students of this group after studying with the use of a complex of adaptive technologies and methods, speech statements have become more demonstrative, in the speech of students there are elements of argumentation, judgment, etc., which, in turn, indicates the formation of discursive competence.

The use of different types of words and word combinations, speech cliches, selection of texts for listening, reading and memorizing, including facts about cultural peculiarities of native speakers, modeling dialogues according to the sample, etc., in foreign language lessons, varied the speech of the students of this group (+2/+1.3 points) and in the aggregate influenced the pace of speech (+2/+1.3 points) and increased the volume of expressed suggestions for a given situation (+3.6/+3.6 points), which contributed to the formation and subsequent development of sociolinguistic and socio-cultural competencies. Average indicators on the criterion of “lexical-grammatical literacy” in oral messages (+3.73 points for audiovisual theorists and +3 points for thinkers – audiovisuals) indicate the formation of grammatical (formal) competence.